Home & Commercial Safety Blog

Welcome to the SEi Security safety and security blog. Here, we’ll cover topics that concern both residential and commercial security along with tips to keep your family and business safe and secure.

Protecting Your Business: Security You Didn’t Know You Needed

Protecting Your Business: Security You Didn’t Know You Needed

When it comes to setting up security for your business, you probably think about access codes and key fobs to enter doors, security cameras, safes, and locks, but you shouldn’t stop there. There are many other places that you may not have considered, and wouldn’t even think of until it’s too late. SEi can handle both the obvious security needs for your place of business, but also those...

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The 123s of Back-to-School School Safety

The 123s of Back-to-School School Safety

As summer winds down, it is time to make plans for back to school. Purchase supplies, new clothes, new backpack, and making a safety plan. If you have a latchkey kid at home, it is time to put your back-to-school safety plan in place for the coming school year to ensure your child is safe and secure until you come home. There are so many more things families can do these days to stay safe after...

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5 Ways To Avoid Door-to-Door Security Threats

5 Ways To Avoid Door-to-Door Security Threats

The weather is warm and the foot traffic in your neighborhood is on the uptick. Unfortunately, not everyone taking a neighborhood walk lives in your neighborhood. This time of year is when the dreaded door-to-door sales people approach homeowners to sell their wares but you never know if a sales pitch is legitimate or a security risk. At SEi Security, we have the tools you need to protect your...

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Garage Door Automation to Protect Your Home

Garage Door Automation to Protect Your Home

Long gone are the days when you could leave your front door unlocked all day. Unfortunately, in the current state of the world, security is more important than ever to protect you and your loved ones. You worked hard to purchase a home, and provide all your family could possibly need and now it is time to take the steps to have peace of mind and ensure that all you have worked hard for is...

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10 Steps to a Safer Garage

10 Steps to a Safer Garage

Tis the season to clear out the garage and house – invite over neighbors and strangers to purchase items from your home that you no longer use to make a few extra bucks. In the meantime, those neighbors and strangers are getting an intimate look into your private space. You are also opening yourself up to exposing others to potential dangers that may be lurking in your garage. Before you put up...

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In Case of Emergency: Are you Prepared?

In Case of Emergency: Are you Prepared?

April showers sometimes bring more than May flowers. Many times spring storms can bring along with them power outages, flooding, and fires. Before you find yourself in dire straights, it is best to be prepared! SEI Security has the tools you need to get ready for spring storms and all that comes with them. Emergency Supplies:  We have all been there before: the emergency alerts blast across the...

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5 Safety Tips for Living Alone – SEi Security

5 Safety Tips for Living Alone – SEi Security

Living alone is not reserved for older adults anymore. More and more the younger generations spend many years living alone. The statistics don’t lie: 37 million (15%) adults age 18 and over lived alone in early 2021, up from 33 million (14%) in 2011. And, without roommates you find yourself without an extra pair of eyes and ears to be aware of intruders. It's always a good idea to take...

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Five Simple Ways to Prevent Break-Ins

Five Simple Ways to Prevent Break-Ins

It is everyone’s worse fear: a stranger invading your safe space and robbing you of your hard earned belongings. An incident like this can put an emotional and financial strain on top of all of life’s other responsibilities. But you can take five simple steps today to prevent this kind of turmoil in the future. 1. Exterior Home Maintenance One thing that attracts thieves is the appearance that...

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Winterizing with a Home Automation System

Winterizing with a Home Automation System

The air is colder, the ground is frozen, the snow falls deeper and there is no holiday season to make us forget about all cold weather. For many, it is time to retreat from the frigid Midwest and spend an extended vacation in warmer weather. But, what happens to your home while you are away? SEi Security has many home automation tools to help you winterize and keep an eye on your home so that...

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How to Provide a Safety Net for Aging Relatives

How to Provide a Safety Net for Aging Relatives

There are some subjects you should avoid when getting together with family. But, there is one that might be a good idea to broach this year: the safety of your aging relative, parent or loved one. While it may be hard to bring up, it is important. As much as it may be hard to admit, there comes a time when the responsibilities for caring for family members shifts to the child needing to look out...

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Additional Posts

You Don’t have to Leave Your Home Alone

You Don’t have to Leave Your Home Alone

2020 was the holiday season of staying in – but 2021 many of us are itching to get away to see relatives or just to take that much needed vacation. Whether it is across town to spend an entire evening with family or friends or you are flying to Paris with your entire...

Smartphone Security Systems from SEi

Smartphone Security Systems from SEi

These days, our smartphones have the capability to do almost anything, from ordering groceries to starting our cars. But, in addition to making things more convenient, your phone can also aid in your security. Smartphones have greatly enhanced both business and home...

Do You Need a Landline for a Security System?

Do You Need a Landline for a Security System?

When was the last time you asked for someone’s landline number? Exactly. Landlines are becoming obsolete, but what does this mean for landline-reliant security systems? SEi get’s those questions a lot, so we want to settle the debate. Can You Have a Security System...

10 Ways to Stay Safe When Home Alone

10 Ways to Stay Safe When Home Alone

Independence can be a beautiful thing! Unfortunately, living alone can leave you more vulnerable to dangerous situations such as robbery or burglary. Even if you don’t live alone, situations such as working home alone every day or being home alone for periods of time...

Smart Locks: Simple, Safe Home Automation

Smart Locks: Simple, Safe Home Automation

Automation turns your regular home into a smart home. With endless features and benefits to your security as well as your convenience – the possibilities are infinite! One of the most convenient features of home automation is smart locks, which allow you to monitor...

10 Clever Tips to Keep Your Home Secure While on Vacation

10 Clever Tips to Keep Your Home Secure While on Vacation

Who else is ready for a summer vacation? Your flight is booked, reservations are made, and bags are packed, but what did you do to protect your home while you are away? Summer should be a fun time to relax and enjoy the weather, not worrying about potential threats to...

Ways to Prevent False Alarms

Ways to Prevent False Alarms

It is the middle of the night, and your dog is begging to be let outside. You open the back door to let them out, and the next thing you know your alarm is going off and your whole family is awake. As you are trying to get the dog back inside so you can lock up, you...

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