Home & Commercial Safety Blog

Welcome to the SEi Security safety and security blog. Here, we’ll cover topics that concern both residential and commercial security along with tips to keep your family and business safe and secure.

How to Protect Your Packages this Holiday Season

How to Protect Your Packages this Holiday Season

Online shopping has become the newest trend in purchasing holiday gifts. The convenience of having the perfect gift one search away and delivered to your front porch – what could be better? But, there is a downfall to this trend: packages sitting on front porches can be stolen and can be damaged in the snow or freezing temperatures. We have all been there, you get the notification email that...

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You Don’t have to Leave Your Home Alone

You Don’t have to Leave Your Home Alone

2020 was the holiday season of staying in – but 2021 many of us are itching to get away to see relatives or just to take that much needed vacation. Whether it is across town to spend an entire evening with family or friends or you are flying to Paris with your entire family, SEi has tools to make you feel secure when leaving your Home Alone. I love a festive light display but I get concerned...

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Add These Three Things to Improve Your Business Security Plan

Add These Three Things to Improve Your Business Security Plan

You’ve invested so much of your money and time into your business to keep it running. Lax security can put that investment in jeopardy. There’s never a bad time for you to review your business’ security. It should be something that you do yearly. If it has been longer than that, then your business might have vulnerabilities, thus putting it at risk But what should you be focusing on when you’re...

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Smartphone Security Systems from SEi

Smartphone Security Systems from SEi

These days, our smartphones have the capability to do almost anything, from ordering groceries to starting our cars. But, in addition to making things more convenient, your phone can also aid in your security. Smartphones have greatly enhanced both business and home security by giving people the ability to use their alarm systems from anywhere—long gone are the days where you have to be at home...

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Do You Need a Landline for a Security System?

Do You Need a Landline for a Security System?

When was the last time you asked for someone’s landline number? Exactly. Landlines are becoming obsolete, but what does this mean for landline-reliant security systems? SEi get’s those questions a lot, so we want to settle the debate. Can You Have a Security System Without a Landline? Yes, you can! Not only that, but we recommend it. As a matter of fact, many households are retaining their phone...

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10 Ways to Stay Safe When Home Alone

10 Ways to Stay Safe When Home Alone

Independence can be a beautiful thing! Unfortunately, living alone can leave you more vulnerable to dangerous situations such as robbery or burglary. Even if you don’t live alone, situations such as working home alone every day or being home alone for periods of time (such as during summer for teachers or while roommates/family are out of town) can induce a similar scenario.    It may seem...

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Smart Locks: Simple, Safe Home Automation

Smart Locks: Simple, Safe Home Automation

Automation turns your regular home into a smart home. With endless features and benefits to your security as well as your convenience – the possibilities are infinite! One of the most convenient features of home automation is smart locks, which allow you to monitor and control home access remotely, eliminating the need for traditional keys. If you are considering integrating smart locks with...

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10 Clever Tips to Keep Your Home Secure While on Vacation

10 Clever Tips to Keep Your Home Secure While on Vacation

Who else is ready for a summer vacation? Your flight is booked, reservations are made, and bags are packed, but what did you do to protect your home while you are away? Summer should be a fun time to relax and enjoy the weather, not worrying about potential threats to your home, and Security Equipment Inc. wants you to know that we are here to help. Not Worried About Protecting Your Home? Think...

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Video Verification – New Business and Home Security Feature

Video Verification – New Business and Home Security Feature

When an alarm goes off, you want to know if someone is really there or not. Enter Video Verification: a way for our monitoring center personnel to see footage from your security cameras during the event and help determine whether it was just triggered by something like dust in the sensor -or- if somebody is actually on-site! Simply put, Video Verification is the fastest way to get a police...

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How Home Security Keeps You Safe During Extreme Winter Weather

How Home Security Keeps You Safe During Extreme Winter Weather

Freezing temperatures, subzero wind chills, and lots of snow and ice can really take a toll on your home. Not only that, but extreme winter weather can quickly become dangerous. Security Equipment Inc. is based in the Midwest, and we know all too well about the threat of cold weather. So, we want to provide you with some safety tips for winter weather and offer tangible ways to keep you, your...

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Additional Posts

Signs You Need to Enhance Your Security for 2021

Signs You Need to Enhance Your Security for 2021

It is a new year, which means many take a moment to reflect on the past year and make changes for the next. It is safe to say 2020 was a year for the history books. As COVID-19 swept across the globe, we have been faced with new challenges, heartbreaking losses, and...

Why Monitored Alarms Make All the Difference

Why Monitored Alarms Make All the Difference

December is a month typically associated with holiday cheer, family time, and gift-giving. While all that is true, it is also a time where seasonal safety hazards begin to soar. As temperatures drop, the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning rises. This odorless,...

Preventing Retail Theft with Security from SEi

Preventing Retail Theft with Security from SEi

With the holiday season rapidly approaching, shoppers are hitting the stores in search of gifts for their family and friends. During this time of year, businesses see an influx of foot traffic, customers, and sales. Unfortunately, businesses also experience an...

Crime Prevention with Surveillance Systems

Crime Prevention with Surveillance Systems

October is National Crime Prevention month—a time when the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) asks us to renew or join the commitment to help “Take A Bite Out of Crime®.” Since 1984, the NCPC has been working to spread the word about personal safety and crime...

Announcement: SEi Has A New Look!

Announcement: SEi Has A New Look!

You may have noticed we look a little different. As we closed out our 50th year, we reflected on where we have been and where we want to be.  We recognized that we have struggled with our identity.  Who is SEi or is it Security Equipment Inc.?  What exactly is 'The...

Monitored Medical Alerts Give Seniors Independence

Monitored Medical Alerts Give Seniors Independence

This week, we celebrate National Assisted Living Week, recognizing the role of assisted living in caring for America’s seniors and individuals with disabilities. NALW was established in 1995 by the National Center for Assisted Living to help educate members of the...

Keeping Little Ones Safe: Baby Safety Month 2020

Keeping Little Ones Safe: Baby Safety Month 2020

When it comes to our children, there’s nothing more important than keeping them safe. Yet, new and first-time parents have a lot of information thrown at them on what’s right and what’s wrong when raising kids. Often times, it's even contradicting. So, to keep it...

Back-to-School Home Safety During Coronavirus

Back-to-School Home Safety During Coronavirus

With so many concerns about going back to school this fall during the pandemic, children’s safety has been top-of-mind for a lot of parents lately. Many of us at SEi are parents ourselves, and we understand first-hand the mixed feelings around sending our kids back to...

Advantages of Implementing an Access Control System

Advantages of Implementing an Access Control System

Are you considering an access control system for your business? If you’re not you should be!  Access control makes life easier for you and your employees by easily managing who comes and goes. Remove the need for a traditional lock and key and even a security guard...

Business Security Considerations Amid COVID-19

Business Security Considerations Amid COVID-19

Currently, businesses are facing more security challenges than ever before due to COVID-19. Businesses have had to quickly adapt, regardless if their doors remain open or if they have had to completely shut down. Because of countless changes in state regulations and...

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