In Case of Emergency: Are you Prepared?

In Case of Emergency: Are you Prepared?

April showers sometimes bring more than May flowers. Many times spring storms can bring along with them power outages, flooding, and fires. Before you find yourself in dire straights, it is best to be prepared! SEI Security has the tools you need to get ready for...
5 Safety Tips for Living Alone – SEi Security

5 Safety Tips for Living Alone – SEi Security

Living alone is not reserved for older adults anymore. More and more the younger generations spend many years living alone. The statistics don’t lie: 37 million (15%) adults age 18 and over lived alone in early 2021, up from 33 million (14%) in 2011. And, without...
Five Simple Ways to Prevent Break-Ins

Five Simple Ways to Prevent Break-Ins

It is everyone’s worse fear: a stranger invading your safe space and robbing you of your hard earned belongings. An incident like this can put an emotional and financial strain on top of all of life’s other responsibilities. But you can take five simple steps today to...
Winterizing with a Home Automation System

Winterizing with a Home Automation System

The air is colder, the ground is frozen, the snow falls deeper and there is no holiday season to make us forget about all cold weather. For many, it is time to retreat from the frigid Midwest and spend an extended vacation in warmer weather. But, what happens to your...
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