They’re back! Summer Scams

by | Jun 20, 2019 | Blog, Home Security, Monitoring Services, Safety

Summer is here and so are the scam artists, including security scams!

Be on the lookout for these popular seasonal scams.



Summer sales programs send teams to cities all around the country to try to make quick sales.  As quickly as they come to town they’ll be gone.  Likely one of the reasons you chose SEi as your security provider is that we are local, have a local office staffed year round and provide a level of customer service you expect.  Don’t let a security scam leave you, your family, your home or business without peace of mind!

These groups typically target homes with security signs.  They think you’ll be an easy sell by using one the following tactics:

They’ll claim they are with your current security provider and your system needs a repair or upgrade
If your system is in need or repair or an upgrade SEi will contact you from our Customer Care Center or your security consultant would be in touch and identify themselves with proper identification.

They’ll tell you that your current provider is going out of business.
Pick up the phone in that moment and call us, we’re celebrating our 50th Anniversary this year!  Just because someone is standing at your door making these claims doesn’t mean you can’t do your own research!

They’ll claim they have a special limited time offer that will save you money over your current provider and give you “free” equipment when you sign up today.
The equipment may be “free” today however you’ll likely be paying a higher monthly rate to pay for the equipment over time.

Your neighbor just had their system installed, they love it and the company is offering a “neighborhood special”
Ask the sales person which neighbor specifically and then speak with your neighbor about their experience.

These individuals can be very persuasive but you should be leery of their tactics.  Remember the old saying, if it sounds too good to be true it likely is.

Other Top Summer Scams:
Vacation Scams: Fake travel agents / websites with deals that sounds too go to be true hoping to get your money!
Moving Scams: Unlicensed movers and dishonest scammers waiting to take your money in the busy moving season.
Ticket Scams: Scammers selling “tickets” online.
Phony Job Scams: Be wary of employers who require fees for training and background checks.  Even those who claim no experience needed.  Stick with known local businesses.

We want you to have a great summer.  Don’t let any of these scams waste your precious time and money!

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