Summer Safety Tips from Security Equipment Inc.

by | May 6, 2020 | Blog, Home Security, Safety

Summer may look a bit different this year, but that doesn’t mean summer activities are coming to a halt! Warmer weather still means enjoying the great outdoors, whether that means grilling dinner, the kids playing in the yard, or taking a dip in the pool.

With all the fun that is bound to happen, we want to make sure you and your family are still safe! So, we’ve compiled a list of quick tips to guarantee your summer is both fun and safe, no matter the activity.

General Safety

  • Drink plenty of water and always stay hydrated
  • Never leave a child or pet enclosed in a vehicle on a hot day
  • Teach your children about home security
  • Avoid strenuous exercise on extremely hot days
    • Early morning and late evenings are the coolest times to exercise outdoors
  • Apply sunscreen with SPF 15+ at least 30 minutes before sun exposure, and reapply every few hours
    • Check instructions on the label of your product for more details
  • Use an EPA registered insect repellant to prevent mosquito bites
  • Learn more at


Water Safety

water safety

Water-related activities are a great way to get physical activity and provide many health benefits. However, drowning is a leading cause of death for children. It is important to take extra precautions when children are involved in water activities.

  • Never swim alone
  • Always supervise children when they are in the water
  • Young children or inexperienced swimmers should always wear a certified life jacket around water.
  • Enter the water feet first
  • Stay away from pool drains
  • Learn CPR or take a swim class to understand the basic skills of water competency
  • If you have a pool at home, make sure it’s fenced in or shut down securely when not in use
  • Find more tips at


Grill Safety

A lot of great memories can start around the grill. Unfortunately, each year over 7,000 Americans are injured while using backyard barbecue grills. Here are a few tips to stay safe and avoid becoming a statistic:

  • Keep your grill at least 10 feet away from your house
  • Clean your grill regularly
  • Check for gas leaks
  • Don’t turn on the gas while the lid is closed Don’t grill indoors! In addition to a fire hazard, it is also can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Keep decorations or other flammables away from your grill
  • Keep a fire extinguisher within a couple of steps from your grill (and know how to use one!)
  • Never leave a grill unattended
  • Learn more from


Yard Safety

yard safety

  • Always wear sturdy shoes while mowing
  • Keep children and pets out of the yard while mowing
  • Do now allow children to ride as passengers on riding mowers
  • Always turn off the mower and wait for the blades to stop completely before performing any maintenance
  • Don’t let your lawn or weeds overgrow
    • Tall, overgrown grass and brush provide ample hiding areas for thieves, vandals, and other criminals.
    • Know other ways burglars may target your home
    • Overgrown grass may also be a sign that no one has been home for some time, ideal for burglars. If going on vacation, ask a neighbor or a friend to mow your lawn for you.
  • Find out more at


The Best Safety Tip?

Invest in a home security system from SEi. There’s no better feeling than knowing you, your family, your pets and your home is safe. Contact us today for a free consultation!

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