Senior Citizens Can Live Independently With SEi’s Medical Life Safety

by | Sep 2, 2014 | Blog

Statistics show that people over the age of 65 are likely to fall in their home. How likely? 1 in 3 will fall this year. That senior citizens are so susceptible to falling should illustrate to the younger generation the importance of preventative measures—especially when it comes to letting seniors live the independent life many of them desire. If you need help convincing your relative to use a safety system, read on to see how senior citizens can live independently with SEi’s Medical Life Safety pendant.

24/7 Assistance Senior Citizen

Whether it’s a holiday or weekend, rain or shine, SEi’s Central Station is available all day, every day. With the push of the Medical Life Safety pendant, the proper authorities will be alerted immediately. Family or friends will be alerted as well. If something happens, you won’t have to wait to hear it from an emergency responder—you’ll know when the button’s been pressed.

Ease of Use

Getting connected with emergency services is as simple as holding down the button on the pendant. This “hold to signal” feature helps prevent false alarms that can come from accidentally pressing the button during daily activities.

Free to Explore

With the Medical Life Safety pendant, there’s no need to worry about staying inside the home for the device to work. Your senior relative or friend can wander the front and backyards with confidence, knowing that they’ll have the same level of protection in both the comfort of their home and the great outdoors.

Independent living doesn’t mean not having any outside help; plenty of great tools exist for your older family members and friends to give them direct communication with those who can help them immediately in a time of need. A Medical Life Safety pendant from SEi can help protect your loved ones when you can’t be there. Call SEi today at 800-224-3272 to get a Medical Life Safety pendant set up today.

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