Video surveillance for your business

by | Dec 21, 2015 | Blog, Safety

Video Surveillance Is your business using the latest in video surveillance technology?

Small and medium sized businesses are sometimes the last to implement updated technology. You may be thinking why do I need video surveillance or why do I need to upgrade to a more advanced system?  What I have “works just fine”.   The days of having a security camera just to catch a thief stealing is a thing of the past.  New video surveillance systems have the ability to do much more.

41Hdzw7kFDL._AC_UL320_SR288,320_ Benefits of having video surveillance for your business:

  •  Safety – Cameras don’t just maintain safety around your business, they also help discourage misbehavior. Cameras placed in the correct areas have been shown to reduce threats of vandalism and violence.
  • Prevent Claims – Security cameras help resolve an issue when employees and customers falsely claim that they got hurt within the work place.
  • Employee Reporting – Make sure that your employees are showing up on time and closing your business when they should. You can receive event notifications via smart phone if they are late or do not open!
  • Catch the Criminal – Updated technology in video surveillance provides a greater chance in identifying thieves.  The quality of video has come a long way, you can really zero in on a clear image.
  • Remote video monitoring – Remote monitoring is the future of technology. With our application you can log in and monitor your business storefront and employees with a  smart phone, tablet or PC.
  • Digital Storage – Digital/cloud storage means you no longer have to have multiple expensive servers to store your footage.  Store the footage in the cloud and access anytime.  you won’t have to store multiple servers to record footage.

If you are concerned that your budget might not be enough for a full video surveillance upgrade; you can always add/upgrade to your current system or upgrade a little at a time.

Contact us for a FREE video surveillance consultation, we will address your specific needs and build a custom solution just for you.  1-800-334-3272

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