Testing Your Alarm System

by | Apr 13, 2015 | Blog

If you have an alarm system from SEi, and your system has been running smoothly, you’ve accomplished the first step in keeping your home protected.

Once you have your alarm system in place, the next step is to check it regularly to make sure it is continuing to function properly. SEi recommends testing your system monthly to ensure its functionality. You have a test signal programmed into your alarm system to remind you to check it.

A system test checks the communication from your alarm system to our Central Station. This is a really important feature of your alarm system. If this communication is broken or disrupted, you could experience communication delays or even dropping the signal during dispatch in case of an emergency or break in.

Luckily, SEi has made it easy to test your system on a monthly basis. Reference your owner handbook, contact SEi Central Station at 800-279-3667 for assistance, and follow the step-by-step instructions. When you call Central Station, make sure you have your password handy. They will put your system in test mode. Once your system is in test mode, arm the system and trigger the alarm by opening a door. Proceed to trip all other sensors to make sure each one is communicating. Open all doors, walk in front of all motions, open windows and/or loudly jingle keys right in front of any audios. After the alarm is triggered, the siren sounds, and you’ve tripped all your sensors, disarm your alarm. Finally, call Central Station back to verify your system is working, and learn how to reset your system. Simple as that!

SEi takes great care in our customers and their safety, so be sure to test your alarm system regularly. If you find that a part of your system is not working, call us at 800-334-3272 to set up a repair.

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