Temperature Monitoring – Commercial Setting

by | Feb 17, 2025 | Home Automation, Monitoring Services, Security Management, Temperature Monitoring

What is Temperature Monitoring?

Temperature monitoring is the process of measuring and reporting the temperature of a specific environment or process. A temperature sensor or probe can be placed anywhere in your building for example in a cooler or freezer, to analyze the temperature of the room or space and alert you if it becomes too hot or cold. This notification will allow you to regulate and control the situation before anything goes wrong. With the help of an app, you can even lower or raise the temperature without having to go into the room or building.

Who would use this?

This is a great tool for food storage facilities, animal packing plants, schools, doctors’ offices or pharmacies, and pretty much anywhere with temp sensitive people, processes, or products. Imagine the grocery store down the street loses power in a storm or it is a blistering hot day and the freezers cannot keep up. As the owner or manager, what would you do? With temperature sensors and monitoring, our Customer Care Center would be notified as soon as the fridge or freezer reaches a temperature higher than normally set and let you know right away that something is wrong. You would then be able to jump into action and be ahead of the disaster with time to find a solution. Without this, you may not know any of this happened until the food has gone bad and it is too late.

The same could happen with medicines; some medications need to be in a certain environment to work properly and give the benefits it is designed too. Or in a mechanical room, if a machine starts to overheat and shut down, how would you know? Without having a temperature sensor, you would need someone to sit and watch the machine at all times. Thus, be wasting time and resources. SEi’s temperature monitoring would take the responsibility away from you while still keeping you aware.

Another good use for this would be for a real estate agent or property owner. Do you own a building that you may not visit every day? Maybe a strip mall, condo building, or even an air BNB. While you may have tenants coming in and out, they may not pay attention or be as detail oriented, as you would like them to be when visiting. As mentioned above, these sensors can be set in any position in the building and monitored through our 24/7 UL Listed Monitoring Center. Or if you chose, we can send alerts to your phone if that is more convenient.

How do they work as a system?

We can install wired or wireless temperature sensors in a building through an existing alarm system or with a newly installed system by SEi. Alternatively, if you already have a system and sensors, we can still connect to your panel and do the monitoring for you! We even have sensors that will act as a temperature sensor and a water leak detection device for those who have insurance companies with certain requirements.

Contact us anytime at seisecurity.com with any questions, concerns, or to schedule a FREE consultation!

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