Steps To Take Before and After A Burglary

by | Mar 4, 2015 | Blog

At SEi, we talk a lot about the importance of proper security precautions and the different services we offer to do so. While we think home security systems and video surveillance are the most important safety precautions you can take to prevent a home invasion, we also know there are things you can do yourself to make sure you get the most back, should a home invasion or burglary occur.

theft coverage Check Your Coverage

Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, there is an insurance plan for you. Check with your insurance company, to make sure your belongings are covered under your plan.

Document Your Belongings

Take pictures of all of your valuables and keep them on a flash drive, or print them out and put them in a folder. Store the flash drive or folder in a safe. If you can, keep a copy of the receipt with each image, as proof of purchase.

Extra tip: Make sure you keep serial numbers of all items, especially electronics. The serial numbers can help law enforcement track down your belongings at pawnshops and trade stores.

Check Your Windows & Doors

A home invasion will occur at points of easy entry. Check the measurements and brands of all doors, windows and other access points. Create a list and keep it with your other documented items. This way, if a burglar does break something, like a window or doorframe, you will be able to replace the item swiftly and with ease by knowing the brand, measurements, and even store name you can get replacements from.
It is important to take all precautions when it comes to deterring burglars. It is also wise to be prepared should something happen. In addition to home security equipment, these three things will help you prepare should a burglary occur. Of course, if you have any questions about home security equipment, don’t hesitate to call SEi at 800-334-3272.

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