Social Media May Threaten Your Home’s Security

by | Jun 24, 2014 | Blog

Sharing our latest photos, vacation updates and locations on social media has become part of our culture. However, smart thieves know how to tap into these free resources of information to target the best times and locations of where to strike next.

Don’t let yourself become a victim. Follow these 3 solutions to help keep you and your home safe from social media information mining.

Geotagging Geotagging

When you post an update to a social media site, you’ll notice an option to add your location. This metadata that attaches to your post is known as geotagging, which can be easy pickings for burglars. Not only do they know where you are, but also where you aren’t.

Solution: When not using a GPS app for directions, turn off your phone’s location setting. Not sure how to turn it off?

iPhone users click here for instructions | Android users click here

Life Passwords

Providing information about names of relatives and pets, or important dates in your life, can be gold for burglars.


Your passwords.

Many of us use a relative’s or pet’s name or a significant date in our life as part of a password. With hacking systems, knowing a portion of your password makes the process of breaking into your accounts and accessing personal information that much easier.

Solution: Don’t use the same password for multiple apps, update your password often and be sure to avoid using names and dates of significance in your passwords.

Announcing Future Events Posting Future Events

Ever RSVP to a party downtown next week? Got a vacation you’re pumped about and are counting down the days on social media? It’s time to rethink what you share.

By announcing that you’ll be away from your home on a particular date and time, you risk unwanted eyes finding this information; once you put the info out into the world, anyone’s eyes can fall upon it. And you never know if that someone has bad intentions.

Solution: RSVP to events through private channels, and post vacation pictures after you’ve returned home. If you go on a vacation every year at the same time, be sure to avoid announcing this—routine is a burglar’s best friend.

A note to parents: be sure to educate your kids on how social media can threaten the security of your home.

Take the extra step in keeping your home safe by having an SEi security system installed. Call 800-334-3272 today to learn more about the wide range of state-of-the art security features offered by SEi.

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