Lock away medicines and cleaning supplies
It’s a no-brainer, but sometimes we take our adult knowledge for granted. We may presume our kids know that what’s under the sink or what’s in the medicine cabinet is poisonous, but keeping these locked up or out of reach can help avoid an all too common situation.
Post your cell phone number and your home’s address in a visible area
During a time of panic, kids may forget where the information is that they need. For younger children, be sure to post 911 in a visible area as well.
Keep an updated activities list
Whether there’s a new movie available for watching or there are chores that need to be done, having an updated to-do list will help keep kids occupied.
Run fire drills several times a year
Practice makes perfect. And during a time of extreme stress—such as during a fire—the mind may be in panic mode, but having had enough practice can allow muscle memory to kick in, allowing your kids to get themselves to safety.
Make sure the rules are specific
Breaking the rules is never more tempting than when they are up for interpretation. Being specific about visitors, cooking, and other possible scenarios will help keep your kids safe.
Sometimes rules and precautions aren’t enough to ensure our children’s safety. Unpredictable events such as fires, flooding and carbon monoxide leaks require constant monitoring. You can take safety further with a home security system from SEi, which offers smoke detectors, water monitoring, CO2 monitoring, live video feeds, and much more.
Call SEi today at 800-334-3272 for more information on how SEi can help take the worry out of home safety.