Preventing Credit Card Fraud

by | Dec 9, 2015 | Blog

As technology advances so do our credit cards. That doesn’t mean you are safe. Hackers and fraudulent websites have progressed with us. Within this blog you can find a few ways to make sure that you are purchasing things from a secure store and safe websites.

Do’s and Don’ts on what you carry in your wallet

Credit Card Fraud Burglar Dont’s

  • Carry your social security card or number in your wallet.
  • Carry your Medicare card as the owner’s social security number is printed on the card.
  • Carry any notes or cards that reveal personal PINs or passwords to confidential information.
  • If you aren’t traveling leave your passport at home.
  • If you don’t plan on using your checkbook; leave it at home as it reveals your bank information

Do’s Smart Chip in Credit Card

  • Always be sure to keep any membership cards within your wallet.
  • Carry your credit card for emergencies; be sure to only carry the credit cards you are going to be using (leave the rest at home in a safe place).
  • Not everywhere accepts plastic; be sure to always have some cash on you.
  • This may sound like common sense but never leave the house without your driver’s license.
  • If you have a new card with a chip in it, you should question the stores that do not have a chip reader for the new cards.
  • Get a RFID protection wallet. This ensures that people cannot take your credit card number from you in public places.


Secure Website SSLHow to know if a website is secure to shop on?

  • Check the web address for https instead of http (the S stands for a secure sight).
  • Check for a padlock icon on the screen; it is usually located on the bottom left hand side of the screen.
  • Online scams happen all the time. The rule we suggest you to use is if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Don’t click on pop-up ads. These are fraudulent sites and may fool you for looking similar to the real one.
  • Do they have a return policy? If they do this is a good sign that it is a safe place to shop
  • Look for other customer reviews and comments within the webpage to verify it’s trustworthy and a real site.
  • Make sure the site has a physical location and a phone number where you may contact them.

Follow these tips to keep your banking information safe.

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