Money Saving Hacks

by | Mar 14, 2016 | Blog, Safety

Saving money is something most people want to do according to 2016 New Year’s resolution. Unfortunately, most fail to do so effectively. Managing your money so that you don’t spend your entire paycheck seems easier said then done. Here are a few money management tips that will help improve your finances.

Stay Home – Going out adds up and the unexpected extra 20 bucks that you spent on drinks or entertainment can turn into hundreds by the end of the month.  Plan ahead and find free  entertainment whether it’s a local concert in the park, playing a board game or watching a movie. Your bank account will thank you.

Cook at home – The easiest way to cut extra spending is to pre-plan your meals and cook at home. You will save money and eat healthier. Who knew eating healthy could save you money.

Automatic Savings Deposits – The easiest way to save money is to split up your paycheck and deposit in your savings account before it ever hits your checking account. If you don’t see the extra cash you won’t be tempted to spend it.

Budget – Creating a budget is the best way to manage your finances. If you aren’t the best with numbers that’s ok, there are lots of free secure budget apps available on the app store. Our personal favorite is the MINT app; it will ask you all the questions necessary to plan your budget and will ask you how much you want to save!

Cash – If you have extra cash, use that first. Don’t put any extra charges onto your credit card that you don’t need to. The easiest way to go into debt is to start charging your credit card without realizing how much you are actually spending. The best part of spending with cash is when the cash is gone you are done spending.

“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving”. -Warren Buffett

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