Make Fire Safety A Priority

by | Oct 9, 2014 | Blog

With National Fire Prevention week in full swing, we wanted to take the time to help you brush up on a few fire safety tips. These simple preventative and reactive measures will provide you and your family with essential tools you’ll need in case a fire should occur. But no matter where you live, or who you live with, it’s important to make fire safety a priority.

Get To Know Your Fire Extinguisher

Deaths from fires and burns are the third leading cause of home deaths in America. While you should take the “flight” mentality with larger fires, more controllable outbreaks can fought with a fire extinguisher. Though many people have extinguishers, a surprisingly low number know how to use them.

For more information on the different types of fire extinguishers, which should be used on particular types of fires, and instructions for using your extinguisher, see our other blog post, Home Fire Extinguishers: A Crash Course.

Test Your Smoke Detectors Make Fire Safety A Priority

Did you know that smoke can act like an anesthetic? Rather than causing you to wake up, it can actually lull you into a deeper sleep. Testing your smoke detectors once a month will ensure they’re ready to do their job should the occasion arise.

Form An Escape Plan

Smoke causes low visibility, which means you should be able to get to your escape point through muscle memory. So be sure to practice twice a month to keep the plan fresh in your mind—if the time comes, you and your family won’t have to think twice about what you’re supposed to do. Whether you live alone, with a roommate, or with family, having a fire escape plan ready is a great safety measure.

Another great preventative measure is to have SEi fire and carbon monoxide detection systems installed in your home. With our 24/7 UL-listed Monitoring Center, our trained staff is ready to alert the proper authorities should your system detect danger. So call SEi today at 800-334-3272 and we’ll get you on your way to a safer home. ​

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