How Home Security Keeps You Safe During Extreme Winter Weather

by | Mar 2, 2021 | Blog, Home Security, Life Safety

Freezing temperatures, subzero wind chills, and lots of snow and ice can really take a toll on your home. Not only that, but extreme winter weather can quickly become dangerous. Security Equipment Inc. is based in the Midwest, and we know all too well about the threat of cold weather. So, we want to provide you with some safety tips for winter weather and offer tangible ways to keep you, your family, and your pets, safe.

Here are a few issues you might run into during extreme winter weather.

Freezing Pipes

Freezing pipes are pretty common when it comes to extremely cold weather. When the water in your pipes freezes, they expand, causing your pipes to burst. A broken pipe can leave you with massage water damage to your home and personal items and be pricey to repair.

To prevent pipes from freezing, you can insulate your pipes, let them drip to prevent them from turning to ice, and even open cabinets under sinks on exterior walls to let in heat from the house.

How can a home security system help?

Home security will not stop your pipes from bursting, but it can help reduce the amount of water damage if they do. SEi offers water sensors that can be placed around your home as a part of our customized security solutions. Add water sensors to areas like your basement, under the kitchen sink or dishwasher, and in bathrooms so you get alerted the moment water is on the ground. This can be especially beneficial for times where you are not home because you will still be notified the moment it happens—keeping your home safe, as well as you and even any unattended pets.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

It can be difficult and scary trying to stay warm in freezing and subzero temperatures. However, you have to be smart about what you use inside your house to keep warm. Never use a gas range or oven to heat your home. Never sit in your car while it is on inside the garage. Do not use any gasoline-powered engine inside, including generators. These can all cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

Safe heat sources include portable space heaters with automatic shut-off switches, fireplaces, wood stoves, and extra blankets, coats, or sleeping bags. Just be sure to keep space heaters away from curtains or blankets and that fireplaces or combustion heaters are properly vented to the outside.

How can a home security system help?

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, invisible gas that is extremely deadly. A SEi home security system with monitored CO detectors and smoke alarms means that not only are you notified about dangerous levels of CO in your home, but SEi is notified as well. Our monitoring center will immediately notice the alert and contact emergency services—so that you can focus on getting out safely when seconds count.

Power Outages

Heavy snow and ice can take down power lines and leave you in the cold and dark. To prepare for power outages, have an emergency kit for bad weather and potential power outages. Some things you may want to have in your kit include:

  • Two-way radio*
  • Phone charger*
  • Batteries
  • Warm clothing and extra blankets
  • Non-perishable food
  • Bottled water
  • Flashlights
  • Generator
  • Lantern

*Make sure everything is operated by solar power, batteries, or a hand crank.

How can a home security system help?

Know your home is safe and secure, even during a power outage. With SEi home security systems, regardless of if they are hard-wired or wireless, you always have a battery backup. If your power goes out, you are alerted on your keypad, on your SEi InTouch app, and SEi will also be alerted. Your backup battery will typically last anywhere from 2-6 hours, depending on how much you are using your security system. You can also ask for an extended battery that can provide 24 hours of backup in case of emergencies.

Learn More About Home Security Today

SEi can keep you and your home safe, no matter the conditions! Stay prepared, safe, and secure with a customized home security system. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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