Caught in The Act: Video Verified Alarm Systems Improve Police Response Time to Business Burglaries

by | Oct 20, 2016 | Blog

Try typing “how to break into a store with an alarm” into Google search, and you’ll be startled to see almost 15 million results.

Businesses without alarms are 4.5 times more likely to be burglarized than those that do have them. But even a great alarm system won’t always stop the most tenacious burglars from trying.

The good news is, business security systems that protect retail, dealerships, schools, warehouses, construction sites, mom and pop shops, residences, and more, are evolving. And modern technology is leading to higher apprehension rates, fewer false alarms, and more comprehensive protection.

 Security Technology is Evolving

One of the most important advances in security system technology is Video Verification. Video Verification is the pairing of security system notifications with live video clips of whatever caused the alarm. It allows central monitoring station operators to instantly listen to or view the area in which an alarm has been tripped in real time. That way, intruder alerts can be immediately verified by video, so operators can see if there is actual criminal activity occurring, or if it’s a false alarm, while   business owners get instant notification if an intruder is detected.

That’s right. Video Verification lets operators catch burglars in the act, and deploy police officers to the site while the crime is in progress.

An encouraging prospect, given the impact, both financial and emotional, a burglary can have on a business.

 How Video Verification Works

Video verification makes security systems more efficient and effective, but it’s still relatively unknown to many business owners.

Conventional alarm systems might notify you when a sensor is tripped, but they can’t confirm who or what tripped the alarm. Both law enforcement and alarm owners want more reliability when an alarm is activated, and that’s where video verification comes in.

Video verification isn’t a CCTV surveillance system that simply records footage that someone watches later. Rather, it’s a comprehensive, monitored video alarm system that covers all entry points of your business, and sends a short video clip to a central monitoring station when sensors are tripped.

Central monitoring station operators are then able to see the footage right away and determine whether the trigger is a false alarm or worthy of a police dispatch.

 Why is Video Verification So Valuable?

Reduced False Alarms

Businesses paying for monitored alarm systems want the fastest police response available. But with a false alarm rate of up to 98 percent, some law enforcement agencies employ what is called a Verified Response Protocol. This means if your alarm goes off, and no one is there to provide detailed information to confirm that a break-in is in progress, the police will not be dispatched to your property.

However, a video verified alarm system allows station dispatchers to confirm via video, while a break-in is in progress. This minimizes false alarms and speeds the response time of law enforcement officials. In fact, the typical response from law enforcement to a verified crime in progress is about seven minutes, compared to about 45 minutes for an unverified alarm.

Increased Apprehension Rates

A significantly faster response means more arrests for police and less success for burglars.

Video verification systems also capture video before, during, and after a break-in. This feature provides valuable evidence and real time information for police. Meanwhile, central monitoring station operators can monitor video silently and alert police without ever letting the intruder know that they’re in for trouble.

Around-the-Clock Operator Support

Video verification systems are monitored by specially trained operators, who assess whether a break-in has occurred; confirm the location of the break-in; notify the relevant authorities; and relay crucial information to law enforcement as the situation unfolds.

With well-trained operators monitoring the security system, business owners don’t have to worry about the threat of false alarms. You can be confident in knowing that anyone who tries breaking into your facility will likely be caught.

 Learn More About Video Verification

Today’s alarm systems must work even harder to stop burglars. Video verification, in tandem with a local, expert monitoring and response team, is the most powerful strategy you can have for protecting your business from theft.

Visit our website to learn more about how video verification can work for your business, or give us a call at (800) 334-3272.

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