Card Access: Why it is the Safest Option

by | Apr 14, 2017 | Blog

Using a card access control system is the best way to keep your building secure. Traditional lock and keys or keypad locks are outdated and difficult to manage. Let’s take a closer look at to why a card access control system would work best for your business:

Traditional Lock and Key


The traditional lock and key method of keeping your business safe is more of a hassle than a benefit. Every key made is one step away from a secure business. This is because giving a key to someone requires a lot of trust.

As a business owner, you lose control of :

  • When a key is used
  • When a key is copied
  • Whom copies of a key are given to

In addition, anyone who has had a key at one point, whether it is an ex-employee, contractors, or cleaning staff, may all still have access to your business. These people become a potential threat to the safety of your establishment. The only way to gain back any safety would be to re-key the exterior lock(s), which becomes expensive and time consuming.

Keypad Locks

The best benefit to having a keypad lock is that it is keyless. Without having a key, you eliminate the threat of unauthorized copies. There is also no worry you will lose a key since it’s based on a code, which removes the potential cost of replacing locks and keys. However, it still doesn’t provide the best security.

You still don’t have control over:

  • Who has access to the combination, because it can be passed by word of mouth, or by a nosy observer
  • When the lock is opened and accessed

While an upgrade from the standard lock and key, a keypad lock still poses serious threats to a business’ safety.

Electronic Card Access

As the most secure building option, SEi recommends getting a card access control system. These systems are flexible to work in businesses, schools, hospitals or any environment.

These electronic cards :

  • Are operated by presenting authorized cards, identifiable by photo, logo, and/or work title which are embedded with a unique code attached to each cardholder
  • Can only be used during pre-programmed and authorized times
  • Eliminate the need to manually lock a door
  • Log who used what access point at what time, available for your reference, creating an audit trail for employees, contractors, cleaning staff, etc.

Due to the undeniable evidence, electronic card access is the safest system for your business. You will never need to worry about who might have access to your building and you will always know who comes and goes. Stay up to date and secure by installing a card access control system to your building today.

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