Advantages of Implementing an Access Control System

by | Jul 10, 2020 | Blog

Are you considering an access control system for your business? If you’re not you should be! 

Access control makes life easier for you and your employees by easily managing who comes and goes. Remove the need for a traditional lock and key and even a security guard with hassle-free access from SEi.

 Types of Businesses That Benefit from Access Control

Any business with security needs can benefit from access control management. Where we see them used the most includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Healthcare
  • Government
  • Enterprise
  • Education
  • Worship centers
  • Small and medium-sized businesses

 Why Get Access Control for Your Business? 

There are a lot of reasons why access control management could be a good fit for your property. You get control of who gets access where, which is beneficial for all types of businesses!

  1. Trust that your investment is always secure with an access control system that allows or restricts access to buildings, rooms, and other designated areas.
  2. It’s easy to use! Create specialized access levels, security zones, create time and date ranges, and give multiple location access.
  3. Traditional keys can not only be a burden when trying to manage access to multiple rooms or buildings, but it also poses a security risk because they can easily be duplicated. Key cards increase your security and can be used on any door with access control.
  4. Track every user at every access point! SEi manages your system 24/7, tracking, and recording the movement of employees and visitors in your facility. Receive detailed reports on access activity whenever you need them.
  5. Let employees come and go when they want to without needing someone to unlock the doors. This is crucial for businesses that have late hours or employees who work at different times. With the management dashboard, you can also check comings and goings without being there yourself.

  6. Reduce theft, accidents, and protect against unwanted visitors. Restrict access to places like supply closets, labs, and computer banks to trusted individuals only.
  7. Get quality support from SEi. We can handle all of the management and changes to your account, such as adding or deleting a user, changing access for an employee, or granting temporary access for an employee or vendor.
  8. With hosted access control, your system doesn’t require on-site software or servers, meaning you are always up to date with the latest software. Our access control solutions also come with built-in intrusion integration, so the systems work together.
  9. Access control solutions extend to showroom display cases, equipment cabinets, and storage drawers, which can help businesses comply with industry regulations or security standards, such as securing medical records for HIPPA.
  10. Managed access systems can grow and change with your company. As your business changes, SEi makes it easy to flex and scale with your future needs.

Access Control is More Than Just Access

As you can see, access control systems can benefit businesses in a variety of ways, and this isn’t even an exhaustive list! We also understand that businesses may be going through some unexpected changes right now due to COVID-19, and because of that, we’ve also highlighted some ways access control can specifically help business owners, employees, and customers healthy and safe on our previous blog post.   

If you are interested in learning more about our access control systems and how they can help your business, contact us for a free consultation! We provide installation in Omaha, Lincoln, Des Moines, and Kansas City, but help companies with multi-site locations all over the country!


Call us today at 800.279.3667.

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