A message on COVID-19 from COO Matt Vellek

by | Mar 13, 2020 | Blog

At SEi, monitoring your systems comes first. We know you need and expect SEi to provide uninterrupted monitoring services. We are operating at full capacity monitoring, servicing and installing security and life safety systems for our customers.

Just like you, SEi is closely monitoring new developments and the impacts of COVID-19 (coronavirus). We want you to know plans are in place to ensure the health and safety of our employees and customers.

This plan includes using our backup disaster recovery location(s), working remotely and transferring work across offices to achieve redundancy allowing us to continue to operate uninterrupted during this time.  All SEi branches are taking the recommended measures and are limiting non-essential air travel, restricting visitors and in-person meetings at SEi offices including our 24/7/365 UL Monitoring Center.  We have asked our employees to continue to be cautious in their home life, limit social interaction and follow the recommendations by public health and government officials.

Please remember that we are available to you via phone, email and online, whenever needed.

Thank you for trusting SEi as your Security and Life Safety partner.



Matt Vellek
Chief Operating Officer
Security Equipment Inc.

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