6 Ways To Keep Your Business Safe

by | Feb 18, 2015 | Blog

Keeping your company, its assets and your employees safe are crucial to running a successful business. Here are 6 things you can do to keep your business safe from intruders, fraud, fire, and suspicious behavior.

Video Surveillance

You aren’t always looking for burglars or a fire as a threat to your business. Sometimes the threat can be internal, with an employee who may be stealing or causing problems for other employees. Video surveillance is a beneficial system for monitoring outside activity, like a burglar or intrusion threat, and also helpful for monitoring indoor activity, like your employees, a safe, register, inventory, and other important areas of your business.

Buddy System

Just as it’s important to keep your business safe, it is equally important to keep your employees safe. They are, after all, a part of your business. Don’t leave work alone or encourage employees to leave work alone, especially after dark. Develop a company “buddy system” that allows employees to leave in groups of two or more. This will give your employees peace of mind and help deter any suspicious behavior from a possible predator.

security Access Control

Consider installing an access control system for your employees to help prevent unauthorized access. By utilizing an access control system, you are able to track employees at various access points, allowing specific access to specific employees and creating security zones.

Know Your Team

Do you have outside companies that are allowed access to areas of your business? Do you share a building with another company? Know who works for you and around you. Many intrusions can happen inconspicuously when someone poses as an employee or a neighboring company. Knowing your team and the companies surrounding you can help prevent an unwanted intruder from scoping out your business.

Fire Alarm

Keeping your business safe from burglars and even sometimes an internal threat aren’t the only problems to contend with. A fire can destroy anything and everything you’ve worked for in your business, and most of all, your employees and yourself could be hurt in the process. By utilizing a fire monitoring system, you are protecting your property, your employees, and yourself from potential harm.


Many people worry about intruders at their home and their place of business. A state-of-the-art intrusion alarm can be used to detect breaking glass, doors and windows opening, or any movement within the building.
All of these tips can help prevent internal or external problems you may be exposed to in your business. Call SEi at 800-334-3272 to find out other ways you can protect your company.

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